Results for 'Szymon Piotr Dąbrowski'

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  1.  36
    Older people are perceived as more moral than younger people: data from seven culturally diverse countries.Piotr Sorokowski, Marta Kowal, Sadiq Hussain, Rashid Ali Haideri, Michał Misiak, Kiriakos Chatzipentidis, Mehmet Kibris Mahmut, W. P. Malecki, Jakub Dąbrowski, Tomasz Frackowiak, Anna Bartkowiak, Agnieszka Sorokowska & Mariola Paruzel-Czachura - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (7):459-472.
    Given the adage “older and wiser,” it seems justified to assume that older people may be stereotyped as more moral than younger people. We aimed to study whether assessments of a person’s morality differ depending on their age. We asked 661 individuals from seven societies (Australians, Britons, Burusho of Pakistan, Canadians, Dani of Papua, New Zealanders, and Poles) whether younger (~20-year-old), middle-aged (~40-year-old), or older (~60-year-old) people were more likely to behave morally and have a sense of right and wrong. (...)
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    Ideals with bases of unbounded Borel complexity.Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja & Szymon Gła̧b - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (6):582-590.
    We present several naturally defined σ-ideals which have Borel bases but, unlike for the classical examples, these ideals are not of bounded Borel complexity. We investigate set-theoretic properties of such σ-ideals.
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    Seeing with the mind.Piotr Kozak - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Mental imagery, a fascinating yet contentious phenomenon, has a rich research history. Kant, for instance, believed mental imagery was necessary for perception. However, since the early 20th centur...
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  4. How to Build a Deontic Action Logic.Piotr Kulicki & Robert Trypuz - 2012 - In Michal Pelis & Vit Puncochar, The Logica Yearbook 2011. College Publications.
    The aim of the paper is to point out the modelling choices that lead to different systems of deontic action logic. A kind of a roadmap is presented. On the one hand it can help the reader to find the deontic logic appropriate for an intended application relying on the information considering the way in which a deontic logic represents actions and how it characterises deontic properties in relation to (the representation of) actions. On the other hand it is a (...)
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    Multiple Arousal Theory and Daily-Life Electrodermal Activity Asymmetry.Rosalind W. Picard, Szymon Fedor & Yadid Ayzenberg - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (1):62-75.
    Using “big data” from sensors worn continuously outside the lab, researchers have observed patterns of objective physiology that challenge some of the long-standing theoretical concepts of emotion and its measurement. One challenge is that emotional arousal, when measured as sympathetic nervous system activation through electrodermal activity, can sometimes differ significantly across the two halves of the upper body. We show that traditional measures on only one side may lead to misjudgment of arousal. This article presents daily life and controlled study (...)
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  6. The Engineer as an Educator: Goods, Virtues, and Secondary Practices.Piotr Machura - 2024 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69 (82):203-220.
    How should ethical standards be maintained within engineering and engineering education? The present paper addresses this question with relation to the dominant models of engineering ethics (EE) to show that their limits might be overcome by incorporating the vocabulary of neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics. On the basis of the MacIntyrean concept of practice, the secondary role of engineering is highlighted which echoes similar debates concerning education. This similarity is picked up to argue that the role of the engineer in relation to (...)
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  7. On Minimal Models for Pure Calculi of Names.Piotr Kulicki - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (4):429–443.
    By pure calculus of names we mean a quantifier-free theory, based on the classical propositional calculus, which defines predicates known from Aristotle’s syllogistic and Leśniewski’s Ontology. For a large fragment of the theory decision procedures, defined by a combination of simple syntactic operations and models in two-membered domains, can be used. We compare the system which employs `ε’ as the only specific term with the system enriched with functors of Syllogistic. In the former, we do not need an empty name (...)
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  8. Two Faces of Obligation.Piotr Kulicki & Robert Trypuz - 2013 - In Anna Brożek, Jacek Jadacki & Berislav Žarnić, Theory of Imperatives from Different Points of View (2). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper.
    In the paper we discuss different intuitions about the properties of obligatory actions in the framework of deontic action logic based on boolean algebra. Two notions of obligation are distinguished–abstract and processed obligation. We introduce them formally into the system of deontic logic of actions and investigate their properties and mutual relations.
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  9. On a Minimal System of Aristotle’s Syllogistic.Piotr Kulicki - 2011 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 40 (3/4):129-145.
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    Lysenko Affair and Polish Botany.Piotr Köhler - 2011 - Journal of the History of Biology 44 (2):305 - 343.
    This article describes the slight impact of Lysenkoism upon Polish botany. I begin with an account of the development of plant genetics in Poland, as well as the attitude of scientists and the Polish intelligentsia toward Marxist philosophy prior to the World War II. Next I provide a short history of the introduction and demise of Lysenkoism in Polish science, with a focus on events in botany, in context with key events in Polish science from 1939 to 1958. The article (...)
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  11. Aksjomatyczne systemy rachunku nazw.Piotr Kulicki - 2011 - Wydawnictwo KUL.
  12.  22
    Konstruktywistyczny szacunek do nauki. O podejściu Richarda Rorty’ego i Bruno Latoura.Tomasz Szymon Markiewka - 2020 - Diametros 17 (63):56-68.
    Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie: jak można być konstruktywistą, a jednocześnie traktować naukę jako jedno z najważniejszych osiągnięć współczesnych społeczeństw? Jako że konstruktywizm jest bogatym nurtem, mającym wiele odmian, autor skupia się tylko na jego dwóch przedstawicielach – Richardzie Rortym i Bruno Latourze. Stara się dowieść, że z połączenia wybranych aspektów ich stanowisk można zbudować spójną odpowiedź na zadane pytanie. Choć Rorty i Latour odrzucają realistyczną wizję nauki, to jednocześnie przekonują, że nauka jest skutecznym sposobem na radzenie sobie ze (...)
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    O Dziedzictwie cnoty Alasdaira MacIntyre'a.Piotr Machura - 2002 - Folia Philosophica 20:71-107.
  14. Framing the Virtue-Ethical Account in the Ethics of Technology.Piotr Machura - 2024 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 29 (1):111-137.
    In recent years there has been growing interest in adapting virtue ethics to the ethics of technology. However, it has most typically been invoked to address some particular issue of moral importance, and there is only a limited range of works dealing with the methodological question of how virtue ethics may contribute to this field. My approach in this paper is threefold. I start with a brief discussion of Aristotelian virtue ethics, with a view to constructing a framework in which (...)
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    A Cognitive Semiotic Perspective on Gestural Meaning-Making: Phenomenological Triangulation, Embodiment, and Consciousness.Piotr Konderak - 2024 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69 (1):57-74.
    The paper presents a cognitive semiotic perspective on spontaneous gesturing (or singular gestures), understood as spontaneous co-speech embodied activity, devoid of linguistic properties, and not conforming to social conventions. In line with the cognitive-semiotic attitude, the paper addresses the so far underexplored methodological issue of complementing third-person methods of gesture studies with first- and second-person perspectives on speech and gesturing in line with phenomenological triangulation. Merleau-Ponty’s ideas presented in Phenomenology of Perception are the starting point for the exploration of aspects (...)
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    Death as the Cessation of an Organism and the Moral Status Alternative.Piotr Grzegorz Nowak - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (5):504-518.
    The mainstream concept of death—the biological one—identifies death with the cessation of an organism. In this article, I challenge the mainstream position, showing that there is no single well-established concept of an organism and no universal concept of death in biological terms. Moreover, some of the biological views on death, if applied in the context of bedside decisions, might imply unacceptable consequences. I argue the moral concept of death—one similar to that of Robert Veatch—overcomes such difficulties. The moral view identifies (...)
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    Radość i bojaźń: wprowadzenie do czwartego antynaturalistycznego argumentu C.S. Lewisa.Piotr Bylica - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (4):177-199.
    W bogatej literaturze poświęconej C.S. Lewisowi wskazuje się na trzy spotykane w jego publikacjach argumenty przeciwko naturalizmowi filozoficznemu. Są to argument z rozumu, argument z moralności oraz argument z Pragnienia (lub pragnienia transcendencji). Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, że Lewis przedstawił także inne antynaturalistyczne rozumowanie odwołujące się do numinotycznej bojaźni, o której pisał Rudolf Otto. W tekście omawiam charakterystykę Pragnienia dokonaną przez Lewisa oraz spotykane w literaturze ujęcia Pragnienia, w których zestawia się je z doświadczeniem numinotycznym. Wykazuję, że Lewis charakteryzował Pragnienie, (...)
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    Marański uniwersalizm. Benjamin, Derrida i Buck-Morss o kondycji uniwersalnego wygnania.Agata Bielik-Robson & Piotr Sadzik - 2019 - Etyka 58 (1):175-197.
    Esej ten kreśli nową strategię uniwersalizacji historii, która wyłania się z analizy żydowskiejpraktyki filozofowania w erze nowożytnej. Nazywam ją „strategią marańską”, budując analogięmiędzy sytuacją conversos, którzy zostali zmuszeni do przyjęcia chrześcijaństwa, przechowującprzy tym judaizm „utajony”, a filozoficzną interwencją nowoczesnych myślicieli żydowskich,którzy wkroczyli w idiom zachodniej filozofii, jednocześnie nasycając go motywami wywiedzionymiz ich „partykularnego” kontekstu: nie po to jednak, by podważyć perspektywęuniwersalistyczną, lecz po to, by ją przekształcić. Dla Waltera Benjamina i Jacques’a Derridywłaściwy uniwersalizm okazuje się równoznaczny z „zadaniem tłumacza”: projektem (...)
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    What Cannot Be Deconstructed? Truth.Piotr Kozak - 2022 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 58 (2):129-136.
    In this paper, I discuss the interpretation of the method of deconstruction in David J. Gunkel’s Deconstruction (MIT Press 2021). I focus on the relationship between deconstruction and truth. I hold that the concept of truth is indispensable for deconstruction since truth introduces correctness conditions for the deconstructive method. However, I claim that truth, being essential and primitive for deconstruction, is fundamentally inaccessible for being analyzed by the latter. ------------------------- Received: 19/10/2022. Reviewed: 13/12/2022. Accepted: 20/12/2022.
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    Bartleby.Piotr Augustyniak - 2025 - Civitas 32:15-30.
    This essay is an interpretation of the famous novel by Herman Melville, Bartleby, the Scrivener. A Story of Wall-Street. My aim is not only to interpret the novel, but to expose and problematize the socio-ontological structure of today’s world, which is capitalism. Reading Melville’s story through the prism of selected philosophical ideas allows us to read its freedom-taking nature in an inspiring, but also disturbing way. Bartleby’s example shows that no political and social action is enough to liberate oneself. Neither (...)
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    On (non)cognition of man.Piotr Karpiński - 2025 - Ruch Filozoficzny 80 (3):57-82.
    The subject of the paper is an attempt to apply the category of “negative certainty” to cognition of man according to Jean-Luc Marion and a discussion of his project. Marion developed this concept inspired mainly by Kant’s philosophy. It is about the certainty of something negative, something that cannot be captured as an object. Negative certainty is not the certainty of negativity, but the certainty of that, which positivity cannot be reduced to objectivity. Marion offers criticism the Cartesian ideal, which (...)
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  22. Expertise, Trust and Transparency in Vaccine Policy.Piotr Grzegorz Nowak - 2025 - Diametros 22 (82):2-6.
    This paper introduces the special issue of Diametros devoted to discussing “Expertise, Disagreement, and Trust in Vaccine Science and Policy. The Importance of Transparency in a World of Experts” by Alberto Giubilini, Rachel Gur-Arie, and Euzebiusz Jamrozik. In their article, Giubilini et al. argue that expert transparency—particularly regarding disagreements among experts—is ethically crucial for securing public trust in vaccine policy. Several contributors to this issue expand upon that claim. For example, Maciej Macuga proposes that transparency is necessary to make coercive (...)
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    Lofts as Shared Spaces: Examining Socio-Spatial Interactions Among Humans, King Pigeons, and Other Species.Piotr Walkowiak - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-16.
    The King pigeon, a fancy pigeon breed, is highly regarded among breeders in Poland, achieving notable success in exhibitions across Europe. While scientific literature predominantly emphasizes the utilitarian aspects of King pigeons, less attention has been given to their role as domesticated animals. This study, employing a qualitative approach, lays the theoretical groundwork for exploring the sociological aspects of interspecies interactions between breeders and their fancy pigeons, specifically King pigeons. Conducted through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 11 Polish breeders affiliated with (...)
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    Chorological abductive inferring: case studies of tracing spatial dissemination of COVID-19.Piotr A. Werner - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    COVID-19 did not disappear in the third year (2022) of the global pandemic. On the contrary, the number of infected people several times exceeded the highs of previous years, but the greater morbidity was not accompanied by a relatively comparable number of deaths. Some studies showed that the SARS-CoV-2 virus impact, e.g. in CEE EU countries, characterizes the seasonal intensity as temperatures fall or rise in relative humidity. All researchers agree that the number of COVID-19-infected people is only an estimate (...)
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    Three Kairoi – Three Aions. Paul Tillich, Ultimate Concern and Pedagogy of Radical Hope.Paulina Sosnowska & Piotr Zańko - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (4):389-404.
    For contemporary critical philosophers of education, the thought of Paul Tillich, a protestant theologian, does not seem to be a very likely point of reference. Nevertheless, we decided to read some of his works within a philosophical-educational context. Reading those works of Tillich we realized that they required a pedagogical-philosophical acknowledgement. Scarce as the educational analyses of Paul Tillich’s writings are, they concern mostly either religious education or some specific issues connected with teaching. Our proposal was to read him differently: (...)
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    Adaptacja biologiczna: zależność czy niezalezność od środowiska?Jolanta Koszteyn & Piotr Lenartowicz - 1997 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 2:97-102.
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    On Some Meanings of the Words "Sense", "to Mean", and "Meaning".Jerzy Pelc & Piotr Sadowski - 1981 - Dialectics and Humanism 8 (3):5-20.
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    Systemy dowodowe dla logik niefregowskich.Dorota Leszczyńska-Jasion, Szymon Chlebowski, Marta Gawek, Marcin Rabiza & Agata Tomczyk - 2022 - In Dorota Leszczyńska-Jasion, Szymon Chlebowski, Agata Tomczyk & Aleksander Zakosztowicz, Język-struktura-ontologia. Pamięci Romana Suszki. Wydawnictwo Nauk Społecznych i Humanistycznych UAM. pp. 210–239.
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  29. Virtues of the Extended Mind: Technological Augmentation and Human Practice.Piotr Machura - 2022 - In Practical Rationality & Human Difference: Perspectives on and beyond Aladair MacIntyre. Mediolan, Włochy: pp. 171-180.
    The growing significance of technology in both everyday life and professionalised practices has brought important volume of philosophical works. However, it is somehow surprising that this current is barely reflected in virtue ethics. This paper highlights two aspects of the issue as seen from the MacIntyrean perspective. Firstly, the rise of technologisation in most areas of human life demands reflection on its influence on the autonomy and unity of the agent’s quest for a good life. Here, the new perspectives for (...)
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    Varieties of truth definitions.Piotr Gruza & Mateusz Łełyk - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (5):563-589.
    We study the structure of the partial order induced by the definability relation on definitions of truth for the language of arithmetic. Formally, a definition of truth is any sentence $$\alpha $$ which extends a weak arithmetical theory (which we take to be $${{\,\mathrm{I\Delta _{0}+\exp }\,}}$$ ) such that for some formula $$\Theta $$ and any arithmetical sentence $$\varphi $$, $$\Theta (\ulcorner \varphi \urcorner )\equiv \varphi $$ is provable in $$\alpha $$. We say that a sentence $$\beta $$ is definable (...)
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  31. Moral norms, moral ideals and supererogation.Piotr Machura - 2013 - Folia Philosophica 29:127--159.
    The aim of the paper is to investigate the relations between the basic moral categories, namely those of norms, ideals and supererogation. The subject of discussion is, firstly, the ways that these categories are understood; secondly, the possible approaches towards moral acting that appear due to their use; and thirdly, their relationship within the moral system. However, what is of a special importance here is the relationship between the categories of norms and ideals (or in a wider aspect — laudable (...)
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    Effects of expectations and sensory unreliability on voice detection – A preregistered study.Piotr Szymanek, Marek Homan, Michiel van Elk & Mateusz Hohol - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 123 (C):103718.
  33.  24
    Channeling Erasmus in Communist Poland: Leszek Kołakowski, Vatican II, and the Reinvention of "Counter-Reformation".Piotr H. Kosicki - 2024 - Journal of the History of Ideas 85 (1):87-120.
    Polish intellectual historian Leszek Kołakowski proposed in the 1960s an innovative, now virtually forgotten, reimagining of a crucial concept in the history of Roman Catholicism: the idea of "Counter-Reformation." Kołakowski's lifelong affinity for early modern Europe's Catholic dissidents led him into dialogue in the era of Vatican II with Tadeusz Mazowiecki, the leader of a movement of young Polish reformers who styled themselves "Catholic socialists." Seeing them as the bedrock of a new Catholic Counter-Reformation, Kołakowski sketched the role he hoped (...)
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    Opinion‐structure changes in non‐equilibrium model of social impact.Andrzej Janutka & Piotr Magnuszewski - 2010 - Complexity 15 (6):27-33.
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    The Life of Reason in an Age of Terrorism.Charles Padrón & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (eds.) - 2018 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    _The Life of Reason in an Age of Terrorism_ brings together seventeen original essays that discuss George Santayana’s social and political thought within the context of contemporary considerations, especially terrorism.
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  36. Przeżycie etyczne w badaniach Edyty Stein.Piotr Janik - 2017 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 22 (2):179-199.
    The expression “moral experience”, along with the concomitant notion of experience itself, seems to have been understood in divergent ways. Taking as a background three views currently operative in our culture - emotivism, the ethics of duty, and the notion of an ethics “beyond good and evil” - a conception of ethical experience will be presented based on the findings of Edith Stein as elaborated in her work "Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities".
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    Nieadekwatność doświadczenia a możliwość chaosu w fenomenologii Husserla.Piotr Łaciak - 2024 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (2):163-180.
    Zasadnicza teza tekstu brzmi, że możliwość totalnego chaosu empirycznego, która jest rozpatrywana w ramach eksperymentu unicestwienia świata, nie jest możliwością realną, lecz możliwością logiczną. Według Husserla hipoteza totalnego chaosu empirycznego pozostaje w związku z zasadniczą nieadekwatnością doświadczenia świata, która nie wyklucza możliwości nieistnienia świata. Unicestwienie świata jako efekt całkowitego załamania się doświadczenia świata mogę jednak przyjąć tylko hipotetycznie i taka fikcyjna możliwość nie ma charakteru możliwości realnej, ponieważ absolutny fakt mojego doświadczenia poprzedza wszelkie możliwości, nadając im dopiero znaczenie możliwości realnych. (...)
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    Organismal Superposition Problem and Nihilist Challenge in the Definition of Death.Piotr Grzegorz Nowak - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (1):1-21.
    ABSTRACT:According to the mainstream bioethical stance, death constitutes the termination of an organism. This essay argues that such an understanding of death is inappropriate in the usual context of determining death, since it also has a social bearing. There are two reasons to justify this argument. First, the mainstream bioethical definition generates an organismal superposition challenge, according to which a given patient in a single physiological state might be both alive and dead, like Schrödinger's cat. Therefore, there is no clear (...)
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    Stein’s Anthropological Approach to the Humanities.Piotr Janik - 2023 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 59 (2):83-99.
    Should we approach the lived experience and/or understand the other with the sense of things? If this is the case, how are we to treat the human experience par excellence? Paradoxically, Edith Stein gives a fresh meaning to the Husserlian term “leiblicheSelbstgegebenheit.” In contrast to Max Scheler’s account, she develops the “persönliche Note” criterion of authenticity. And against Maetin Heidegger’s existential philosophy, a concern for human existence itself resonates. Based on these three dimensions, this article discusses the idea of “the (...)
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    Maria Kokoszyńska-Lutmanowa about Wittgenstein in Cambridge (1978).Piotr Dehnel, Carl Humphries & Tomasz Zarębski - 2023 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 12.
    Maria Kokoszyńska-Lutmanowa (1906-1981) was a Polish philosopher and student of Kazimierz Twardowski, the founder of the Lvov-Warsaw School. In 1938 she went to the University of Cambridge (Newnham College) on a Sarah Smitton Fellowship. There she attended George Edward Moore’s lectures as well as one of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics in 1939. In this interview which was conducted with Alois Eder she talks about her encounter with Wittgenstein. It was published in 1978 in the Polish art (...)
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    Distortion of the Normative Meaning of 'Innovativeness' in the Language of Experts.Piotr Grzegorz Nowak - 2023 - Diametros 20 (78):124-128.
    The following text is a voice in the discussion around normative problems of innovative therapies. It particularly refers to the meaning of the concept of innovation, also discussed in this issue in the article by Tomasz Rzepiński "Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP) as products of innovative biotechnologies.".
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    Dasein and “Its” Time.Piotr Hoffman - 2005 - In Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall, A Companion to Heidegger. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 325–334.
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    Digital Restitution of Cultural Goods: In Search of a Working Model.Piotr Stec & Alicja Jagielska-Burduk - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (5):2207-2218.
    The paper deals with the problem of digital restitution of art to post-colonial and postdependency countries. A new model of digital restitution composed of two elements: creation of a digital copy with a NFT attached and creation of new property right in a physical and digital object has been proposed. A system of balances between the rights and duties based on the prior user concept has been developed.
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  44. On Compact Hausdorff Spaces of Countable Tightness.Piotr Koszmider, Z. Szentmiklossy, A. Csaszar & Zoltan Balogh - 2002 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):306.
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    Prasa parafialna archidiecezji szczecińsko-kamieńskiej.Piotr Ufnal - 2023 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 29 (2):153-172.
    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prześledzenie narodzin, rozwoju i upadku prasy parafialnej w Polsce na przykładzie archidiecezji szczecińsko-kamieńskiej. Ze względu na ilościowe i jakościowe bogactwo tego segmentu prasy, jego dogłębne zbadanie wymaga dalszych skrupulatnych badań, gdyż od przełomu lat 80. i 90. ubiegłego wieku niezliczone wydawnictwa powstawały, znikały, odradzały się z innym tytułem i zespołem redakcyjnym, po czym znów znikały. W artykule prześledzono tło historyczne województwa zachodniopomorskiego, które po II wojnie światowej zostało przyłączone do komunistycznej Polski. W efekcie wielu Polaków (głównie (...)
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    Powszechność wiary a niemoralni wierzący.Piotr Biłgorajski - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (4):119-130.
    Z wielu kwestii, które Jacek Wojtysiak podjął w swojej nowej książce Między ukryciem a jawnością (2023), na szczególną uwagę zasługuje polemika z Johnem L. Schellenbergiem, dotycząca problemu Bożej ukrytości. J.L. Schellenberg w pomysłowy sposób chce pokazać, że samo istnienie ateistów wystawia na próbę prawdziwość tezy o istnieniu osobowego Boga. W odpowiedzi Wojtysiak odwraca argument J.L. Schellenberga, twierdząc, że powszechność wiary wystawia na próbę przekonanie ateisty. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, że tak jak właściwym wnioskiem argumentu J.L. Schellenberga nie jest teza ateistyczna, (...)
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    Anonimowość jako granica poznania w fenomenologii Edmunda Husserla =.Piotr Łaciak - 2012 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    The evolutionary advantage of conditional cooperation.Jonathan Bendor & Piotr Swistak - 1998 - Complexity 4 (2):15-18.
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    Jak uprawiać filozofię – poradnik dla początkujących.Piotr Bi·Gorajski - 2019 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 67 (3):148-152.
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  50. Wspomnienie o Leszku Nowaku (1943–2009).Krzysztof Brzechczyn & Piotr Przybysz - 2010 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:7-14.
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